
Dear Friends,

The great business of the disciple of Jesus is to serve him. This is the business of the church because the church is made up of disciples of Jesus. We learn from Jesus and serve him. This business of living for and serving Jesus Is beautifully illustrated for us in Mark’s Gospel, chapter 14 v 12-16. It Is the account of the preparation for the last Passover celebration Jesus had with his disciples, and in which he gave remembrance of his death - the Holy Communion.

In this preparation for the Passover we see the disciples serving the Lord.

The first thing to notice is that their service was engaged in a predetermined and prearranged plan of God. This Passover meal was part of the divine plan leading up to the atoning death of Jesus. God had planned it before the foundation of the world. The details were all included. So it is always for the church. God is fulfilling his plans of redemption for the world, leading up to the great day of Christ’s return. Each place where there is a true church of believers, God is pursuing his plan of redemption, and we as disciples are engaged to serve the Lord for the furtherance of this plan. This is so for us in our fellowship, as it is for every fellowship throughout the world. All are working in God’s plan in their separate places. and all fitting together to fulfil the whole plan of God for the world.

This is a great source of release and peace. We don’t initiate plans. If we seek to do so it leads to frustration. Only God’s plans are carried out. Our business is to seek to discern God’s plan and understand our part in it.

The second blessing in this service of Jesus seen in this passage is that when the disciples discerned the will of God and carried it out, they found everything prepared and their service was fruitful. In v.13-15 Jesus tells them what to do to prepare the Passover. As they obeyed, they found everything as Jesus had indicated and their service was successful and fruitful. How could it be anything else. They were in the Lord’s will, doing his purpose.

Thus it will be with us. When we understand the Lord’s plans for our particular patch, and carry out the Lord’s instructions, then we will know blessing. We will find our service bearing fruit. The objective set before us will be realised. The church will be blest. God will be glorified. You see, God gave the disciples a goal - the preparation for the Passover - and the instructions to. do it. They achieved the goal by following the instructions, We must do the same.

This is of tremendous importance. We don’t plan, we seek to know the Lord’s plan. There is a big difference between these two positions, and we must not mistake them or mix them up.

The third lesson we learn from this passage is that although God has his plan which is sure and certain, yet, at the same time, he gives his disciples their part to play in it. We don’t initiate the plan but we have work to do in carrying out God’s plan. We must be busy in this work the Lord has given us to do. And being busy, because we are working on the Lord’s plan, we can be confident that there will be blessing and fruitfulness.

The last lesson from this passage concerning our service for Jesus is that all service must commence with prayer. The disciples knew what they had to do and what the plans of Jesus were, because they had gone to him and asked him what he planned and what they were to do.

Our mistake, so often, is to begin with planning, and be too keen to start work before we have heard our instructions. It is better to wait than start on the wrong action. Waiting is never to be actionless, because waiting is waiting on the Lord. When the disciples were told to wait for power from the Holy Spirit, they were not idle. They waited on God. They spent the time in much prayer. Acts 1:1 4.

Prayer is an essential ingredient in the life of Jesus’ disciples. and not just individual prayer. Notice in our passage in Mark that the disciples together asked him, v.12. They prayed together. We must pray together and want to pray together and give time to pray with each other. Our prayer must be earnest, not just asking for blessing, but asking the Lord what he wants us to do. When we know what he wants us to do, we then pray for God to bless the action he has given us to do.

The beginning of a spirit of prayer comes when, like the disciples, we really want to know the Lord’s will for us. When we do, we shall really want to pray that we may hear is instructions.

Your servant for Christ’s sake,