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Notes for Leaders of Nurture Groups            Notes for members of Nurture Groups


Introducing this course

This nurture course is one I put together to serve the on-going need where I was minister for the nurture of new Christians which the Lord was blessing our fellowship with. At the time there were several courses provided by various organisations, and all of them were good in their way, but for one reason or another I did not feel happy with them. This is the reason I put together this course to meet our own need. I offer this effort in nurturing new Christians to others in the hope that it may be useful to some in some way.

There are seven sessions, with an extra introductory one in order to explain to those who attended the groups what had happened to them, and the nature of Christian conversion and faith. The course provides notes for members of the group to take away with them, and another set of notes for leaders of groups, which have some help in how to conduct each group and deal with the material in each session. Leaders were given a free hand to use the material as suited them best as long as they generally covered the material being taught in the course.

I do not expect that this course will be felt to be useful to many others, but it may be able to give pointers to others who, in the goodness of God, have such blessing in their church fellowships that makes nurturing new Christians necessary.