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Neh. 1:1-4

Neh. 1:5-11
Neh. 2:1-10
Neh. 2:11-20
Neh. 3
Neh. 4 (Pt 1)

Neh. 4 (Pt 2)

Neh. 5
Neh. 6:1-14
Neh. 6:15-16
Neh. 7:17 to 7:73
Neh. 8:1-9
Neh. 8:9-18
Neh. 9:1-5
Neh. 9:5-6
Neh. 9:7,8
Neh. 9:9-12
Neh. 9:13-15
Neh. 9:16-18
Neh. 9:19-25
Neh. 9:26-31
Neh. 9:32-37
Neh. 9:39 - 10:39
Neh.  11 & 12
Neh. 13:1-3
Neh. 13:1-5
Neh. 13:6-9
Neh. 13:10-13
Neh. 13:15-22
Neh. 13:23-28
Neh. 13:39-31


Meditations in Nehemiah
Number 4

Nehemiah 2:11-20
"Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace".
Nehemiah 2:17b

WHEN we first take up some knew appointment or task, specially in the service of God, it can seem very daunting, as well as exciting and challenging. It is always a help to discover how other people have tackled this sort of situation, and when we come to the Bible, we are reading the experiences of others which the Holy Spirit has give to us for our learning. This is the case here with Nehemiah.

His task was specially daunting. He had arrived as a stranger in Jerusalem. All he knew about the situation he had learnt second hand. He was not known by the remnant of the people still living in Jerusalem. They had no cause to trust him. Further, although Nehemiah was convinced that God had sent him to do the work of rebuilding Jerusalem, and had proof that God was with him from all the help and encouragement he had received so far, he had no idea of the extent or difficulty of the task ahead.

The way Nehemiah tackled this difficult task teaches us some important and excellent lessons which are appropriate whenever we take up work for the Lord. There are four lessons which I would bring to you from these verses before us.


The first thing we find Nehemiah doing after he has arrived back in Jerusalem is to assess the nature and extent of the task before him, which he felt God had called him to do. This is essential when we begin a new work, and it is not a lack in spirituality or faith or dependence upon God to do so. This work of assessment is related to us in verses 11 to 16.

The first thing here to notice is that Nehemiah kept in the forefront of his mind the call of God to this work. This fact is given to us in verse 12 where we read Nehemiah saying "I had not told anyone what my God had put in my heart to do". Keeping the call and guidance of God firmly before us has two good effects. As we assess the problems before us, it keeps us from placing our confidence in ourselves, but instead placing our confidence in God. Then, it has the effect of preserving us against being overwhelmed by the task before us, and from going discouraged. God has called us. God�s strength and wisdom alone will be able to accomplish the task. God will enable the work to be done.

The second factor about Nehemiah is that he made a very thorough and painstaking assessment of the work that had to be done. He looked at the whole of the wall, and faced the true nature of the decay and destruction of the walls of Jerusalem, and he assessed what needed to be done in order for the work to be successfully accomplished.

Although we place our trust in God, and have no confidence in our flesh, yet this does not mean we should not work hard, and use all the gifts and wisdom God has given us in the work. We do not place our confidence in our own strength, but rather as we trust in the strength of the Lord, we use all the gifts God has given us to do the work God has placed before us. There is nothing unspiritual about this, and it is the way the Bible speaks of serving God.

The third piece of information we are given concerning Nehemiah�s assessment is that he kept the work he had been given by God to do secret until he had made the assessment. This is wise counsel to follow. We can never do God�s work alone. We must call on the help of the church fellowship, or other Christians. Before we approach them for help we must know the true extent and nature of the task before us, and have some idea how to proceed. If we are unprepared, then we will find we will not inspire others to help, nor will we be able answer the difficulties which will be raised.

Nehemiah did take one or two men with him (v.12) when he engaged in the assessment of the task. Even though we keep work secret from others until we are ready and prepared, there will be the need to seek the support and help of others in the initial stages. Nehemiah probably did not tell these people the exact nature of what he had in mind, but it would be good to have people with him, who would then be able to corroborate the information he would present when he called for the people to begin the work.

All this is involved in assessment of the work. Assessment is essential.


In verses 17 and 18 Nehemiah proceeds to action. A time comes for action, and this must not be put off, however daunting the task may appear. A call to action is a very critical time. If the call to action is weak, and the people are not convinced enough in the work to begin doing it, then the work will fail before it has started. However we have this assurance, that God�s hand is behind the work, then God will aid us in the task of calling others to the work, and make our efforts successful.

Firstly, Nehemiah made the people face the situation as it was in Jerusalem at that time. He says, "You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burnt with fire." (v.17). Nehemiah was calling them to take a close look at the state of things all around them, and let the facts revealed sink into their consciousness. Long association with all the burnt and broken down walls and buildings had dulled their senses. They had got used to the mess and destruction all around them, and it had ceased to have any impact. Nehemiah seeks to make them see it all afresh, and the awfulness of it all.

Often it is the case that the church of God has got used to a situation where there is a low spiritual climate, and the congregations small, and perhaps dwindling. In such circumstances it is important for people to face the reality, and see it as it really is.

Secondly, Nehemiah sought to bring home to the people the disgrace in what they saw. Having seen the situation, Nehemiah felt it important that they should feel the disgrace in what they saw. They were the people of God, yet their capital city was a ruin. What must the people all around think of their nation, and what view of God was being conveyed to other people. Further Nehemiah sought to bring home to the people what this ruin meant in their disgrace before God. They had to remember why the city was in a ruin, and the fortunes of Israel in such a bad way. They had to be made to remember the sin and rebellion against God that had brought about God�s judgement, the burning of the city, and the people being carried off into exile.

When things are bad in the life of God�s church, then we need to face the fact that it may be through the spiritual decline of God�s people, and this needs to be addressed with repentance and seeking renewal. Even if there is no cause through spiritual decline, we need to face the fact of the disgrace that appears in the world when the state of God�s church is low and failing. It is only as we see the need before us, that we will be motivated to work.

Thirdly, Nehemiah gave the people strong encouragement to face the disgrace, and to do something about the remedy for it. Nehemiah tells us that "I also told them about the gracious hand of my God upon me." Call to action must have encouragement mixed with it, for the facing of the problem will always be discouraging. How often have ministers found that calls to action have been so daunting to the congregation, that all they can do is bring forward all the difficulties which they feel make it impossible to do anything.

Nehemiah must have told them the story of how he had brought the problem to Artaxerxes, and how to his amazement Artaxerxes gave him permission to come to Jerusalem, and gave him so much help and support in the task ahead. Nehemiah would, no doubt, have interpreted this blessing. He tells the people that it shows God�s good hand upon the project. There could be no other reason for the blessing received. But Nehemiah would have interpreted this and see God�s forgiveness for the past sins of the people, and his grace now poured out, and the assurance of God�s gracious help in causing the rebuilding to succeed.

Our situation today may be different to Nehemiah�s, and the tasks before us different, but when we call people to action we must make people see the need; and see the result of this need and how action is required; but with this facing of reality must be encouragement and the assurance that God is with us, and his grace poured out upon us.


The people agreed to commence the work and the moment they did so they experienced opposition from the people around who were not Jews, who saw their own position threatened. Action for God will not go unnoticed by the evil one. It will provoke antagonism in Satan who will mobilise his resources against the work of God. Whenever the church experiences blessing, it will always experience trials along with the blessings.

In this case Satan mobilised the unbelievers to oppose the work. In the first instance it was opposition to cause discouragement. These enemies ridiculed the work, and made accusations of rebellion. Later we see Satan attacking through the sinful flesh of the Jews engaged in the work. Satan has all sorts of weapons in his arsenal and the strategy available to him is wide and extensive. We must not be surprised at the difficulties and trials which suddenly face us when we take action for God. We must be on our guard against them. We must be in prayer before God from the very start concerning this danger. We must bring each new trial to God, and seek his help, wisdom and strength to overcome them.

The best defence against the wiles of the devil is the armour of faith which Paul speaks to us about in Ephesians 6:10ff. We must put on the armour of the Gospel promises and assurances, so that all the shots and arrows of the Satan fall to the ground. We are strong only as we are strong in the Lord, and in his sure and eternal purposes. We need to have the blessings and certainty of our salvation by grace in Christ firmly held by faith. We need to hold firmly to all the proofs of God�s guidance we have for the work, and his assurances of success in his strength.


This brings us to the last point under this theme of "Making a Start" in building the work of God. When Nehemiah was attacked and ridiculed and accused by Sanballat and Tobiah and Gesham, he made positive affirmation. It was affirmation of faith built on his faith in God. This affirmation was strong in two ways. Firstly, because Nehemiah was living close to his God and remembered the hand of God on him and the work; and secondly, because the work spoke for itself. The work had begun. They had Artaxerxes with them. God�s powerful hand was evident in the work. From this Nehemiah could say with confidence that although the work was beyond him and the people in their own strength, it would be possible with the hand of God upon them, and God would give them success.

This is always our assurance, and this is our answer to all opposition. Sometimes the difficulties may be pressing upon us so powerfully, and our own weakness very much in the forefront of our consciousness, so that it is hard to affirm confidence in God out loud. But we stand firm in faith in our hearts, though perhaps with our minds there are many doubts and fears. Then as time goes by we will persevere, and prove God is with us, as the work for God prospers.

We need to take to heart this historical record of the story of Nehemiah, and let the lessons learnt by him, and his experience of blessing, inspire us in our work for God, and give us wisdom for the task.

Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4
Number 5
Number 6
Number 7
Number 8
Number 9
Number 10
Number 11
Number 12
Number 13
Number 14
Number 15
Number 16
Number 17
Number 18
Number 19
Number 20
Number 21
Number 22
Number 23
Number 24
Number 25
Number 26
Number 27
Number 28
Number 29
Number 30
Number 31
Number 32